“No one can feel free from danger and destruction until the many torn threads of civilization are bound together again… There can be a happy world… when men create a strong bond towards one another, a bond unbreakable by a studied prejudice or a passing circumstance.” 13-Year-Old Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Prejudice, Its Antidote, and Read More…

Teaching Resources for the 2020 Election-1

Listenwise: Podcast lessons The Listenwise library contains many relevant audio stories, including recent current events, as well as historical perspectives on the electoral process in the United States.Explore the lesson themes below, as well as our earlier blog post on promoting civic engagement with your students and additional resources from other educational organizations. Many of Read More…

Teaching 9/11

Some materials that might be useful if you plan to memorialize the day. Facing History and ourselves:  The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching 9/11 PBS NewsHour Extra: On the 18th anniversary of 9/11 ask your students: How has the world changed?    HBO Documentary: What Happened on September 11? 9/11 Memorial & Museum: Collects lesson Read More…